Wednesday, October 22, 2008

T Minus Two Weeks!


Well, in (fingers crossed) exactly two weeks, I should be on a plane, winging my way to the frozen continent.. Our programme's been moved back a day, so now we're scheduled to go down on November 5, and come back December 10. This, of course, is subject to change depending on
the weather.

So yeah, I'm busy rushing round picking up all the things I think I need to take. My photo kit is pretty much complete now that I bought an external HDD, and an awesome new tripod.. I'll do another post later about the camera gear i'm taking if anyones interested..

It's all getting very close. Its crazy how when you finally get to go to a place that you've been obsessed with for such a large part of your life, you can't really believe its happening.

Anyway, I'll try and do a couple more posts over the next two weeks around my prep and gear etc..

If you're looking for other reading, I recommend the Antarctic Conservation Blog. They're the peeps that do the conservation of the historic huts etc:

Also, check out the webcam from Scott Base, its updated every 5 minutes or so: (I've attached an image from the webcam to this post to test the image posting on the blog)

And there's a page on the current weather down there here:

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