Sunday, November 30, 2008

A Wander around the Ob Hill Loop track

Quick post to get some more photos up..

So we had a bit lot of snow last Thursday- massive flakes, with no wind.. Pretty impressive. It was American Night at the bar, so here's a photo of some americans walking in..

Mmmm, snow.

Then on Friday we managed to get out and dig our hole down through to snow to the sea-ice. This was so that we could drill through the ice to measure from the sea-level to the GPS for our tide calibration. The hole ended up being about a metre deep, and 2x3m in size.
Then we had a bit of a blizzard on Saturday, so when we went out to check our hole today it looked like this:

I'm glad I put the GPS on a little shelf instead of in the bottom of the hole, otherwise we would've been forced to dig it out to ensure it was still going.

Today (Sunday), there was an art & craft market on at McMurdo, so we went for a wander over to take a look. We decided to tie in a walk around the Observation Hill Loop Track, which goes around the bottom/middle of the hill. It was a really nice walk!

There are quite a few trails around the Hut Point penninsula (where McMurdo and Scott Base are). They usually have these markers.

Glen on the track- the little bit of uphill..

Wandering along.

Still going. Quite a well defined and easy track really. Even with the snow drifts on some parts.

Looking down at McMurdo.

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